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時(shí)間:2016-08-20 09:09:38 來源:巴哈 作者:lokhin5312 熱度: 31





-You must hold your camera at a specific angle to now do a fast vault (Spring + Vault)


-You gain unitwalking for 1 second after vaulting over a barrier allowing you to walk through the killer with no collision


-More windows have been boarded up:

Suffocation Pit (long house)

Macmillan Estate (upstairs window)

Many more! let me know below if you see them


Suffocation Pit的長型房屋

Macmillan Estate 大屋的第二層


-Hills no longer have unique side geometry that can be exploited to climb up the hill quickly


-Fixed killer's house geometry so survivors can no longer climb between the lockers in the corner of the room to trap the killer


-Increased number of crow spawns throughout all levels


-Survivors (with Saboteur or Toolbox): If you stand on long side of an armed bear trap, you get the Disarm dialog but if you stand closer to the wide part of the bear trap you will get the Sabotage dialog (Carried over from patch 1.0.6)


-Wraith only: added an internal cooldown between "Survivor Found" point awards after coming in and out of cloak.


-Updated animations for Hillbilly and Wraith


-The DLC must be installed to play, not guaranteed to auto-update for all users


-Survivors will now trigger an audible map-wide scream when they are put into a dying state


-Some new music when killer is carrying or survivor being carried.


-Any falls will stun your survivor briefly, killers are unaffected by falls


New/Existing Bugs (1.1.0):


-Be a Survivor aka Solo-queue for all intents and purposes is "broken". Current work around is to start a "Survive with your Friends" game and ready up by yourself.


-Every time you restart your game, your rank will reset to 20 until you play a game. Also, when you restart your game double check your items and offerings again sometimes they will not remember your previous choices.

-每次重啟游戲你的排位都會(huì)重設(shè)為20,直到你玩了一局游戲,還有,每次重啟請(qǐng)Double check你的物品和祭品,有時(shí)候系統(tǒng)不會(huì)幫你記住你的Loudout

-Survive with Friends 4 player lobbies will break showing only 3 survivors. If you wait for a 4th survivor sometimes it will never find the 4th and sometimes adds 7 players to the game in the middle of the match. Game sometimes crashes midgame in extreme examples (8-10 players have joined)


-Survivor (Jake/Claudette): From Killer's point of view, Jake/Claudette's hair outline glows when passing by outlined objectives (generators and sometimes hooks)


-Survivor (any): after a game loads, your items will immediately "lost to the entity" once the spin around your character is complete if you have a instant-consumable addon that "depletes the item" on use (Styptic Agent, Anti Hemorrhagic Syringe, Brand New Part) equipped


-Survivor (Asylum map): cannot use hatch unless standing at a very specific angle because it is spawning too close to the wall.


-Survivor (Asylum map) : running around the new Asylum map sometimes parts of the character model will extend and distort making it easier to spot the survivor.


-Survivor (any): pressing crouch and a gesture button will sink your body into the ground until you release crouch


Survivor (any): after wiggling free sometimes user loses all ability to interact with the world until downed by killer again


-Survivor (any): slow entering a locker is quieter for player but not the killer


-Survivor (any): when running out the exit if you turn around at the last second, you will still receive escape points but lose control of your character and it will remain in the game continually running in a straight line. In this state, the killer can still down you and hook you earning points off of you but you can spam struggle to earn extra points.


-Killer (any): If you stand directly in front of a hooked survivor and tap back twice, you will put yourself in a position that survivors cannot unhook the survivor from any angle.

-任何殺手 :如果你直向站在被鈎倖存者的面前再往后煺兩下,其他倖存者就不能解救他了

-Killer (nurse): using blink to change levels onto staircases sometimes results in falling through the world or getting stuck in map geometry


-Killer (nurse): has same attack animation while carrying a survivor as when she isn't (intended?) allowing


-Killer (nurse): blink striking near barriers allows an immediate second attack (extension of the 'look-up' attack reset exploit)


-Killer (nurse): Lethal striking (blink + attacking) a survivor a hooked survivor in the basement generates points


-All: Some players that are not cheater flagged are getting their bloodpoints and rank reset to 20 after restarting the game.


-All: When a killer opens a locker the same time a survivor is leaving or when vaulting a barrier a killer is trying to break, has a chance to knock one of the players out of the map geometry into an unplayable state


-Survivor (any): when killer hits crouched survivor being healed, the one healing sometimes gets disconnected resulting in the survivor being healed being stuck in position getting healed to 100% non-stop


-Killer (any): if a survivor is stuck in the being healed position from the above bug, you cannot pickup or kill this survivor until another survivor who does not get disconnected heals him to 100%


-Various issues with post-game bloodpoint calculation (could be visual only)


-Possible fix for reset bloodpoints/rank on restart: Level a character 5 times (Leveling 5 bloodwebs at level 50 does not count, must be 5 actual level ups) Also make sure your Steam userdata folder is not read-only



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