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時間:2014-10-31 13:17:00 來源:k73電玩之家 作者:小四 熱度: 384



Cowboy Outfit




Gentleman's Attire

先決條件:聯(lián)網(wǎng)你的玩家代號到Rockstar Social Club



Elegant Suit


解鎖要求:從Thieves' Landing的裁縫店購買


Bollard Twins Outfit



1、搜索Thieves' Landing;

2、在MacFarlane's Ranch完成一次夜巡任務(wù)。

3、在MacFarlane's Ranch贏一次馬蹄鐵游戲。


5、從Bollard兄弟會手中保衛(wèi)Hennigan's Stead的居民

6、在Thieves' Landing的裁縫店購買。

第一部分在Thieves' Landing牲口棚的2樓。


Treasure Hunter Outfit



1、搜索Silent Stead

2、完成 “California”陌生人任務(wù)。

3、在Rathskeller Fork從Blackjack游戲中贏錢。

4、活捉一名Treasure Hunter團伙通緝犯。

5、完成 Gaptooth Breach Hideout

6、在Thieves’ Landing裁縫店購買。

在Rathskeller Fork的小木屋發(fā)現(xiàn)第一部分。

特效:Treasure Hunters會把你當朋友除非你襲擊他們。

Bandito Outfit

先決條件:擊敗一名 Bandito 團伙成員


1、搜索Sidewinder Gulch


3、在Casa Madrugada完吹牛骰子游戲時擊敗所有對手。




在Sidewinder Gultch的帳篷里找到一部分。


Reyes' Rebels Outfit

先決條件:完成 "An Appointed Time"任務(wù)。



2、完成 “Poppycock” 陌生人任務(wù)。

3、在Chuparosa 完成一次馴馬任務(wù)

4、完成 “Love is the Opiate” 陌生人任務(wù)



到 Las Hermanas東邊一座廢棄的墳?zāi)?,找到裝第一部分的箱子。

特效:扮成Reyes' Rebels墨西哥的法律會優(yōu)待你,執(zhí)法者和軍隊也不會追捕你。


(一)Cowboy Outfit: This is Marston's main outfit, and the one he wears at the beginning of the game.

Cowboy Outfit:牛仔服,初始服裝,不作解釋。

(二)Duster Coat: Identical to the Cowboy Outfit, the player dons a dark-gray leather duster. This is achieved once the player receives the honor level "peacemaker".

Duster Coat:風(fēng)衣,當honor榮譽等級達到peacemaker自動解鎖。

While wearing the Duster Coat, you will get a small discount(50%) at all stores and will be able to sell items for a larger amount of cash.


(三)Elegant Suit: Bought from the tailor in Thieves' Landing. It is possible to cheat at poker while wearing this outfit. Obtaining this outfit will score the player the He Cleans Up Well! achievement.

Elegant Suit:賭俠裝,在玩過一次撲克游戲后到Thieves' Landing的裁縫店tailor去買。

穿上此服裝打牌可以作弊。解鎖后也會解開成就“He Cleans Up Well!”

John Marston wearing the Elegant Suitedit Tips and Tricks Wearing the Elegant Suit allows the player to cheat in poker, by allowing them to stash an extra card. The player can stash a card every time its their turn to deal the cards, by pressing either the triangle or Y buttons. Stashing it initiates a mini game where the player must keep an arrow balanced. If the arrow becomes unbalanced, an NPC will find the player cheating. It should be warned that if caught cheating they might challenge the player to a duel. Some players use this as a way to control when they duel in order to practice dueling, if the player is caught cheating they do not get their money back, so it, in effect, is like paying $25 per duel.


(四)Legend of the West Outfit : When wearing this outfit, Marston has more Dead Eye than usual.

Legend of the West Outfit:西部傳奇裝,穿上此服裝會死眼槽(子彈時間)加倍。

To unlock the Legend of the West outfit, the player has to attain rank 10 in all challenges. With this outfit the Dead-Eye Targeting meter will double it's capacity.


(五)Bandito Outfit: Banditos and outlaws in Mexico consider you a friend until you take aggressive action.

Bandito Outfit:Bandito幫派裝,穿上這個Bandito幫會視你為朋友,除非你對Bandito幫作出不友好舉動。

To unlock the Bandito Outfit the player has to complete a set amount of challanges:

Search Sidewinder Gulch (Looking at the map, you need to head to the open-ish area on the East end of Sidewinder Gulch. Inside this area is a camp, in which one tent contains the patch in a chest.)

Complete a Nightwatch job in Chuparosa

Win a game of Liar's Dice in Casa Madrugada

Capture a Bandito Bounty alive

Defend Mexican residents from Bandito attacks

Complete the Nightwatch activity in Nuevo Paraiso


搜索Sidewinder Gulch處的箱子,在Sidewinder Gulch東部郊外一個帳篷附近。


在Casa Madrugada 贏一次大話骰子。



在Nuevo Paraiso完成夜巡活動。

(六)Deputy Outfit: Dressing as a Marshal has people treating you as part of the law. US Law posses and Marshals won't pursue you. Acquired by completing all US gang hideouts in a single 24 hour period.

Deputy Outfit:警服,穿上后執(zhí)法人員不會追捕你。

Wear the US Marshals outfit and the player will be considered part of law enforcement in the United States, and will not be pursued by American lawmen and posses.

the player must complete gameplay mission The Last Enemy That Shall Be Destroyed. After this mission is completed, the outfit will be discovered and the player must then Complete all 5 US gang hideouts in a single 24-hour period of in-game time.

得到方法:在完成任務(wù)The Last Enemy That Shall Be Destroyed之后,在24小時(游戲里時間)內(nèi)清除所有5個美國幫派藏身地點。

(七)Bollard Twins Outfit: Bollard Twins gang members consider you a friend until you take aggressive action. This consists of the Cowboy Outfit with leather chaps and a red scarf.

Bollard Twins Outfit:Bollard Twins幫派裝,Bollard Twins幫會視你為朋友,除非你作出不友好舉動。

You can find it by looting the bodies in the mission Justice in Pike's Basin.

After finding the outfit you must complete a series of objectives before it is wearable by the player.

Scrap 1: Search Thieves' Landing ( is at Thieves' Landing in the large storehouse by the pier. It's up a set of stairs, in a chest)

Scrap 2: Complete a Nightwatch job in MacFarlane's Ranch

Scrap 3: Win at Horseshoes in MacFarlane's Ranch

Scrap 4: Claim a Bollard Twins Gang Bounty alive

Scrap 5: Defend residents of Hennigan's Stead from the Bollard Twins Gang

Scrap 6: Purchase at the tailor in Thieves' Landing (can be bought for $100)

得到條件:在Justice in Pike's Basin任務(wù)中搜一個敵人的身。然后完成以下項目。

搜索Thieves' Landing處的箱子,在碼頭附近一個大倉庫的二樓房間里。

在MacFarlane's Ranch完成一個夜巡工作。

在MacFarlane's Ranch贏一次丟馬掌比賽。

活捉一個Bollard Twins幫派通緝犯。

在Hennigan's Stead抵抗一次Bollard Twins幫的搶劫進攻。

在Thieves' Landing的裁縫店tailor買到衣服。

(八)Mexican Poncho: A musty old poncho. A souvenir of your travels in Mexico. No added bonus when wearing this outfit.

Mexican Poncho:墨西哥披風(fēng),沒有特殊作用??催^鏢客三部曲的朋友一定認得這個克林特*伊斯特伍德的經(jīng)典服裝。

To obtain you must buy a Hideout in Mexico,This outfit is attained upon purchasing the safehouse in Mexico.


(九)Reyes' Rebels Outfit: Disguise yourself as one of Reyes' Rebels. Mexican Law posses and the Mexican Army won't pursue you.

Reyes' Rebels Outfit:Reyes' Rebels幫派裝,穿上后墨西哥執(zhí)法者和軍隊不會追捕你。

To unlock this outfit, the player has to complete the following challenges:

Search Sepulcro - Southeast corner of the cemetery in a chest

Complete the Poppycock Stranger's task

Complete a Horsebreaking job in Chuparosa

Complete the Love is the Opiate Stranger's task

Win at Five Finger Fillet in Torquenada

Purchase the scrap at the general store in Escalera

Cannot be purchased until you have completed the mission An Appointed Time.


完成the Poppycock Stranger's task 陌生人支線。


完成the Love is the Opiate Stranger's task陌生人支線。



注意:只有在完成了任務(wù)An Appointed Time后才能得到。

(十)Rancher Outfit: Marston's typical attire when tending the ranch at Beecher's Hope. No additional benefits.

Rancher Outfit:牧場裝,沒有特殊作用。

It can be obtained after completing the gameplay mission, The Outlaw's Return.

At the end of the mission, Marston's default clothing become the Rancher Outfit. For several gameplay missions, Marston cannot change his outfit.

得到條件:完成任務(wù)The Outlaw's Return,就可以得到了。


(十一)Treasure Hunter Outfit: Treasure Hunters consider you a friend until you take aggressive action.

Treasure Hunter Outfit:寶藏獵人裝,穿上后寶藏獵人會視你為朋友,除非你作出不友好舉動。

It has been agreed this outfit, while without any active bonuses, does ensure the Treasure Hunters consider the player a friend. Any hostile/aggressive act toward them will remove this effect, however.

Scrap 1: Search Silent Stead. (In a container in a small house just northwest of the intersection at Silent Stead)

Scrap 2: Complete "California" Stranger's task. (Sam Odesa located directly north of The Scratchin Post passed rail road just shy of heavy black line west of where it dips)

Scrap 3: Make a profit playing Blackjack at Rathskeller Fork.

Scrap 4: Claim a Treasure Hunter bounty alive.

Scrap 5: Complete Gaptooth Breach Hideout.

Scrap 6: Purchase at the tailor in Thieves Landing (bought for $250).

得到條件:搜索Silent Stead處的箱子,在十字路口西北處的一個小房子里。

完成 "California" Stranger's task陌生人支線。

在Rathskeller Fork玩撲克21點Blackjack盈利。

活捉一個Treasure Hunter寶藏獵人通緝犯。

清除Gaptooth Breach Hideout的土匪窩點 。

在Thieves Landing的裁縫店tailor買到。

(十二)US Army Outfit: Makes you look like an enlisted US Army man, but doesn't fool anyone.

US Army Outfit:美國陸軍制服,穿上后偽裝成軍人,警察會對你尊敬。

Scrap 1: In Aurora Basin, inside a cabin on the small lake

Scrap 2: Win at Arm Wrestling in the Pacific Union Railroad Camp

Scrap 3: Eliminate all other players in a game of Poker in Blackwater

Scrap 4: Successfully complete the "Lights, Camera, Action" Stranger's task

Scrap 5: Successfully complete a Nightwatch job in Blackwater

Scrap 6: Purchase from the tailor in Blackwater

Bugs Due to a glitch on the PS3 version of the game, Poker in Blackwater can glitch making this outfit impossible to obtain. Can happen on the 360 as well.

得到條件:在Aurora Basin,進入小湖上的小屋。

在Pacific Union Railroad Camp贏一次掰手腕游戲。


完成"Lights, Camera, Action"陌生人支線。




(十三)Bureau Uniform: Acquired upon reaching 100% game completion. Dress like a federal bureau agent and the law won't be able to touch you (complete amnesty from the law).

Bureau Uniform:FBI特工服,穿上后完全凌駕于法律之上,法律已經(jīng)阻止不了你了,你可以無法無天了,沒有任何人會追究你。

Bureau Uniform is gained after 100% completion of the game. Bureau Uniform grants you complete amnesty from U.S law.


解鎖寶藏獵人套裝(Treasure Hunter Outfit)具體方法:

Scrap 1: Search Silent Stead. (In a container in a small house just northwest of the intersection at Silent Stead)

Scrap 2: Complete "California" Stranger's task. (Sam Odesa located directly north of The Scratchin Post passed rail road just shy of heavy black line west of where it dips)

Scrap 3: Make a profit playing Blackjack at Rathskeller Fork.

Scrap 4: Claim a Treasure Hunter bounty alive.

Scrap 5: Complete Gaptooth Breach Hideout. Scrap 6: Purchase at the tailor in Thieves Landing (bought for $250).

得到條件:搜索Silent Stead處的箱子,在十字路口西北處的一個小房子里。完成 "California" Stranger's task陌生人支線。在Rathskeller Fork玩撲克21點Blackjack盈利?;钭揭粋€Treasure Hunter寶藏獵人通緝犯。清除Gaptooth Breach Hideout的土匪窩點 。

在Thieves Landing的裁縫店tailor買到。



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