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時間:2014-12-04 18:00:52 來源:k73電玩之家 作者:秩名 熱度: 604





強壯手臂 - 增加暈人(勒假死)速度

拾荒者 - You will find ammo in larger quantities 你會找到更多的彈藥

迅疾之影 - 增加隱身速度

忠誠伙伴 - 召喚的刺客造成更多的傷害

送葬者 - 提高搬運尸體的移動速度

投擲好手 - You can throw carried objects further 你可以將物品扔得更遠

生命之水 - Drinking from fountains recharges a small amount of health. 喝飲料時恢復(fù)少量生命

精神之水 - gain some mana from drinking fountains 從噴泉喝水時可以恢復(fù)魔力

心靈之池 - It will increase your mana regenerating pool 魔力自動恢復(fù)速度更快

水火相容 - Shot whiskey bottles explode with greater intensity.攝威士忌酒瓶爆炸強度更大。

貧民盛宴 - White rats can be consumed for mana.白鼠可以恢復(fù)法力值。

偷窺狂人 - Moderate keyhole peeping magnification.增加從鎖眼偷窺的視野。

輕柔之觸 - Breaking glass sound is moderately reduced.增加打碎玻璃的聲音。

渡鴉降臨 - Drop assassination gives you a bit of health.空中擊殺恢復(fù)生命。

天生親水 - Swim speed increased slightly.游泳速度略微增加。

白鼠之友 - White rats won't attack you.白鼠不會攻擊你。

腐尸殺手 - Kill rats and get more adrenaline 殺老鼠會獲得更多的腎上腺素

流光星隕 - Drop assassinating grants a small amount of mana 空中刺殺可以獲得一點魔力

胃口大開 1 - You receive more health from food 食物恢復(fù)生命的效果加強

胃口大開 2 - You receive even more health from food 食物恢復(fù)生命的效果再加強

惡鼠氣息 - It will make Rats attack only when you walk near them 使你走到老鼠身邊時它們才會攻擊你

雜技演員 - It will increase your climbing speed 增加你攀登的速度

快速閃避 1 - Enemies have a slight chance to miss with guns 持槍敵人有少量幾率打偏

快速閃避 2 - Enemies have more chance to miss with guns 持槍敵人有更多幾率打偏

賓至如歸 - You can possess white rats for longer periods of time 你控制白老鼠的時間會更加長

旋風(fēng)之舞 1 - It will enable you to swing your sword faster 揮劍速度加快

旋風(fēng)之舞 2 - It will enable you to swing your sword even faster 揮劍速度再加快

堅韌皮膚 - It will increase your health 提高你的生命總量

血牛之心 - It will increase your mana 提升你的魔力總量

復(fù)仇決心 - You get Adrenaline from taking damage 你受到傷害時會獲得腎上腺素

無盡怒氣\持續(xù)憤怒 - Adrenaline rush takes less time to cool down 腎上腺素的冷卻時間減少

金手指 - It increase the value of the rare items you hold 找到稀有物品時獲得更多金錢

瘟疫抗體 - You will take less damage from Weepers 減少被感染者攻擊的傷害

精力充沛 1 - You regenerate more health from potions 生命恢復(fù)藥水的效果加強

精力充沛 2 - You regenerate even more health from potions 生命恢復(fù)藥水的效果再加強

輕如影 - 減少掉落的傷害。

強化螺釘 - Crossbow bolts will break less 螺釘弩矢不容易折斷

壓倒力量 - 能輕松在交流賽中取勝(交流賽:使用劍攻擊被招架時)

白化變種 - It increases the chances you encounter white rats 增加你遇到白老鼠的機會

發(fā)條故障 - Enemy grenades take slightly more time to explode 敵人手榴彈的引爆時間延長

戰(zhàn)斗機 - You can maintain speed if you have your weapons unsheathed 當(dāng)你手持武器時依然可以保持速度

瘟疫親和 - You will regenerate Mana when you are attacked by Weepers 當(dāng)你被感染者攻擊,你的魔力會恢復(fù)

Spirited 1 - You regenerate more mana from potions 魔力恢復(fù)藥水的效果加強

Spirited 2 - You receive even more mana from potions 魔力恢復(fù)藥水的效果再加強

Twist of Fortune 1 - some chance to gain full mana from potion 藥水有幾率完全恢復(fù)魔力

Twist of Fortune 2 - More chance to gain full mana from potion 藥水有更大幾率完全恢復(fù)魔力


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