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時間:2016-11-14 10:26:51 來源:k73電玩之家 作者:小四 熱度: 19

《奇妙冒險(the curious expedition)》中有許多的任務可以完成,很多玩家對于這些任務還不是很了解,小編這里就來簡單的說下,以供參考。

Name of the questWho proposes itWhat needs to be doneIn-game descriptionRewards
Escort Missionary A Missionary Escort the missionary to a certain native village so he can preach the gospel to the natives. "Escort the missionary to the native village." The village chief marks the location of a shrine on the map.
The missionary abandons the expedition.
+2 standing.
Deliver Letter Someone at the harbor Deliver a letter to the chief of a native village located in the region where the player starts. "Deliver the letter to the native village." The village chief marks the location of a shrine on the map.
+2 standing.
Find the missing husband A woman She asks to find his husband, a Former Adventurer who never returned from his last expedition. He is located in an old campand joins the expedition in order to go back to home. "Find the missing husband and return him home." The woman is reunited with her lost husband and, in gratitude, gives to the player random loot.
Obtain Idol A trader Seek and obtain a precious stone idolthat could be found in a native village. "Obtain an idol from a native village." If the idol is kept after returning to London, the trader thanks the efforts of the expedition and gives them random loot.
Kill Hyena An one-eyed hunter Find and kill the evil hyena Snarfrattle, who blinded one eye of the hunter. The hunter also wants the pelt of Snarfrattle as a trophy. "Kill a rare, black hyena and return its pelt."
Find the mysterious box A scientist Unearth a mysterious box and return it to the scientist without opening it. The player is given a special mapthat leads to the buried chest. "A scientist has tasked us to dig up a mysterious box that is said to be buried at the location marked on a map he gave us." The scientist is relieved that the trek has found the mysterious box and stores it carefully in his bag. Gives to the player random loot.
Find an instrument A collector of sorts The collector of sort will reward for every music instrument the player returns with, including drums and horns flutes. "Finish the expedition with an instrument in your possession." The player only needs to keep one drum or one horn flute (not give it to the museum nor sell it for funds) to finish the quest an obtain as a reward random loot.
Find Deserter A military man The military wants the player to find the deserter Lt. Konradand bring him back to civilization. "Find the fugitive in a native village." Konrad is the self-proclaimed chief of a native village who oppresses them at his will. Killing him will improve the standing by 2 points. Back in London, the military man rewards the efforts of the expedition by giving them random loot.
80 Days A gentleman The gentleman challenges the player to reach the golden pyramid and finish the expedition within 80 days. "Complete the expedition within 80 days." The gentleman tips his hat and recognizes the courage of the expedition, so he gives random loot to the player.
Escort Villager to London A wealthy Foreigner A now-wealthy foreign gentleman hires you to bring his wife to London from their native village. Escort Villager to London At the target village, you will automatically be able to recruit a native. Recruiting her improves your standing by 2 points. Back in London, the wealthy foreigner rewards the efforts of the expedition by giving them random loot.





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