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Terra Battle特拉之戰(zhàn)各人物故事翻譯

時(shí)間:2014-09-17 09:35:31 來(lái)源:巴友 作者:allen5418 熱度: 299

那開這串的意義主要是由板友們提供各人物的故事及圖片,然后由我來(lái)翻譯 畢竟這游戲的故事佔(zhàn)了一大部分,當(dāng)然本人沒(méi)通過(guò)英檢也沒(méi)通過(guò)日檢 ,翻譯是做為語(yǔ)言練習(xí)的用意 可能會(huì)在翻譯上造成不少錯(cuò)誤還請(qǐng)幫忙修正及包含,那版友們提供的圖片我會(huì)將其統(tǒng)一放于一樓然后在圖的下方做翻譯。

Bahl the Dark Duellist

暗黑劍斗士 Bahl

Terra Battle特拉之戰(zhàn)各人物故事翻譯

Bahl is a 25-year-old swordswoman who lost her family to marauding brigands when she was but a child. The emotional wounds from this run deep, and she has grown to utterly mistrust others. She fights with a unique, wild abandon that seems to reflect this emotional distance. But even she has found something she loves deeply: wildflowers--for even the smallest bloom proudly and profusely.




Alika the Conflicted

矛盾者 Alika(這有夠難翻)

Terra Battle特拉之戰(zhàn)各人物故事翻譯

With pale skin, gleaming golden hair, and mismatched eyes, Alika is a captivating young woman with an ephemeral, mystical beauty.Though only 20 years old, her heart wallows in a void between past and future, for the man she loved above all else is now dead, leaving her alone in the world.She remains captive to a prison of memories. Her reluctance to let go of a certain device attests to this.Known as a hologram display, this relic from an ancient civilization projects vivid images of the man who now lives only in her memory.As she gazes at those luminous images, her profile can only be described as beautiful


"That thing is really important to you?" asked Pupropé.The innocence of children knowns no discretion when it comes to personal questions. Though clearly a sensitive topic, she unbashedly asked the question everyone was avoiding.Unsure how to explain, Alika simply replied, "Yes, it is."But that was not enough for Pupropé, She wanted more than a simple yes or no.She wanted to know why Alika cradled the hologram device in her hands and gazed at its images so wistfully.Alika found herself at a loss for words. She realized at last that she was not yet emotionally prepared to answer such questions.And she realized how much time had passed her by as she mourned her beloved, unable to accept that he was gone.





Terra Battle特拉之戰(zhàn)各人物故事翻譯

Rikken 是 Yukken 的雙胞胎姊姊,喜歡戴著大帽子,她那兒童尺寸的獵弓得隨時(shí)攜在身邊,否則就會(huì)感到渾身不自在。如同她的雙胞胎妹妹,她很聰明,且擁有敏銳觀察他人的天賦。有別于 Yukken 用能言善道的口才來(lái)?yè)艨鍖?duì)手,Rikken 喜歡巧妙地透過(guò)循環(huán)論證法來(lái)讓對(duì)手不攻自破而屈膝投降。

Terra Battle特拉之戰(zhàn)各人物故事翻譯

Yukken 是 Rikken 的雙胞胎妹妹,她們之間只差了短短幾分鐘。她散發(fā)著陽(yáng)光的氣息并喜歡在頭上戴著大蝴蝶結(jié)。她口才極佳,總是口若懸河辯才無(wú)礙地壓垮對(duì)手。她眼神敏銳且反應(yīng)機(jī)靈,所以如果你想與她爭(zhēng)吵,那就得有被徹底摧毀的心理準(zhǔn)備。

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