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時(shí)間:2014-10-07 11:08:09 來源:k73電玩之家 作者:風(fēng)音 熱度: 1407




Icon & Name LvL Quality & Class Cost

Universal Remote

To the untrained eye this beast is a junker. To the trained eye, however, this junker…is a beast.
70 Exotic

23xStrange Coin


"…is where you seek it." — Lomar
70 Exotic
Rocket Launcher

17xStrange Coin


"They rest quiet on fields afar…for this is no ending, but the eye."
70 Exotic
Machine Gun

17xStrange Coin

The Last Word

"Yours…not mine." - Renegade Hunter Shin Malphur to Dredgen Yor
70 Exotic
Hand Cannon

23xStrange Coin

SUROS Regime

Nostalgia as a weapon of war. Style as a hallmark of victory.
70 Exotic
Auto Rifle

23xStrange Coin

Red Death

Vanguard policy urges Guardians to destroy this weapon on sight. It is a Guardian killer.
70 Exotic
Pulse Rifle

23xStrange Coin

Plan C

Good fighters have contingency plans. Great fighters don't need them.
70 Exotic
Fusion Rifle

17xStrange Coin

Patience and Time

If you've got it, they'll never see it coming.
70 Exotic
Sniper Rifle

17xStrange Coin

MIDA Multi Tool

It can do anything you want, as long as you want murder.
70 Exotic
Scout Rifle

23xStrange Coin

Ice Breaker

Please replace these components if use causes fatal damage: HEAT SINK. MAGAZINE. OPERATOR
70 Exotic
Sniper Rifle

17xStrange Coin

Hard Light

Ionized polymer synballistic attack platform. The system's lethality is dynamically robust across tactical spaces.
70 Exotic
Auto Rifle

23xStrange Coin


"If there is beauty in destruction, why not also in its delivery?" - Feizel Crux
70 Exotic
Rocket Launcher

17xStrange Coin

Armor Helmets

Skull of Dire Ahamkara

Reality is the finest flesh, oh bearer mine. And are you not…hungry?
70 Exotic Warlock Helmet

13xStrange Coin

Mask of the Third Man

"It wasn't me. It was the Third Man."
70 Exotic Hunter Helmet

13xStrange Coin

Light Beyond Nemesis

These are the wings of pratiya-samutpada, the truth of interconnectedness. The everywhere Light.
70 Exotic Warlock Helmet

13xStrange Coin

Knucklehead Radar

You can see the point, right? Who wants to team up with one?
70 Exotic Hunter Helmet

13xStrange Coin

Helm of Saint-14

"He walked out into the demon light. But at the end he was brighter." - Paean to Saint-14
70 Exotic Titan Helmet

13xStrange Coin

Helm of Inmost Light

"The light shines brightest in those it consumes."
70 Exotic Titan Helmet

13xStrange Coin

Apotheosis Veil

Most helmets protect the mind from the universe. Not this one.
70 Exotic Warlock Helmet

13xStrange Coin

An Insurmountable Skullfort

BRAINVAULT Sigma-ACTIUM-IX Cranial Dreadnought (Invincible Type)
70 Exotic Titan Helmet

13xStrange Coin

Achlyophage Symbiote

"They told me it would eat my thoughts and leave me full of Light."
70 Exotic Hunter Helmet

13xStrange Coin

Armor Gauntlets

Young Ahamkara's Spine

Give me your arm, oh bearer mine. Let me help you fill the world with teeth.
70 Exotic Hunter Gauntlets

13xStrange Coin


"When one can wield the fire of stars, what use is flesh and bone?"
70 Exotic Warlock Guantlets

13xStrange Coin

No Backup Plans

No ammo? No problem.
70 Exotic Titan Gauntlets

13xStrange Coin

Armor Chest

Voidfang Vestments

"YOU WILL DREAM OF TEETH AND NOTHING ELSE" - scratched behind a buckle
70 Exotic Warlock Chest Armor

13xStrange Coin

The Armamentarium

For This, There Is One Remedy
70 Exotic Titan Chest Armor

13xStrange Coin

Lucky Raspberry

No one has ever died wearing me. # It's true. She leaves the unworthy before they fall.
70 Exotic Hunter Chest Armor

13xStrange Coin

Heart of the Praxic Fire

"In that last moment she seemed as wholly luminescent as the Sun, and I wished to be so brave."
70 Exotic Warlock Chest Armor

13xStrange Coin

Crest of Alpha Lupi

You've heard every last tale of the wolf by now. None of them are true. You are the wolf.
70 Exotic Hunter Chest Armor

13xStrange Coin

Crest of Alpha Lupi

Whoever survives our passing does so only by our consent.
70 Exotic Titan Chest Armor

13xStrange Coin

Vehicle Upgrades

Void Drive

Void effects cause this experimental drive to produce a purple contrail under boost. Permanently upgrades an equipped Rare Sparrow to improve speed and durability.
1 Legendary

23xStrange Coin

Stealth Drives

High frequency suppression causes this drive to appear red under boost. Permanently upgrades an equipped Rare Sparrow to improve speed and durability.
1 Legendary

23xStrange Coin

Plasma Drive

Permanently upgrades an equipped Rare Sparrow to improve overall speed and durability.
1 Legendary

23xStrange Coin

Emerald Coil

A strangely tuned drive that produces a greenish contrail under boost. Permanently upgrades an equipped Rare Sparrow to improve speed and durability.
1 Legendary

23xStrange Coin


Exotic Engram

The Cryptarch in the Tower may be able to decrypt this object and reveal its contents.
1 Exotic
Body Armor Engram

23x Mote of Light


Sniper Rifle Telemetry

A Ghost telemetry link that speeds the development of your upgradeable Sniper Rifles. Lasts 30 minutes.
1 Basic

1xStrange Coin

Shotgun Telemetry

A Ghost telemetry link that speeds the development of your upgradeable Shotguns. Lasts 30 minutes.
1 Basic

1xStrange Coin

Scout Rifle Telemetry

A Ghost telemetry link that speeds the development of your upgradeable Scout Rifles. Lasts 30 minutes.
1 Basic

1xStrange Coin

Rocket Launcher Telemetryr

A Ghost telemetry link that speeds the development of your upgradeable Rocket Launchers. Lasts 30 minutes.
1 Basic

1xStrange Coin

Pulse Rifle Telemetry

A Ghost telemetry link that speeds the development of your upgradeable Pulse Rifles. Lasts 30 minutes.
1 Basic

1xStrange Coin

Machine Gun Telemetry

A Ghost telemetry link that speeds the development of your upgradeable Machine Guns. Lasts 30 minutes.
1 Basic

1xStrange Coin

Heavy Ammo Synthesis

Single-use Ghost manufacturing package. Instantly replenish heavy weapon ammunition.
1 Basic

1xStrange Coin

Hand Cannon Telemetry

A Ghost telemetry link that speeds the development of your upgradeable Hand Cannons. Lasts 30 minutes.
1 Basic

1xStrange Coin

Fusion Rifle Telemetry

A Ghost telemetry link that speeds the development of your upgradeable Fusion Rifles. Lasts 30 minutes.
1 Basic

1xStrange Coin

Auto Rifle Telemetry

A Ghost telemetry link that speeds the development of your upgradeable Auto Rifles. Lasts 30 minutes.
1 Basic

1xStrange Coin

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