時間:2015-02-02 11:55:05 來源:k73電玩之家 作者:小新 熱度: 204 次
#1Omnipotence (全能)Unlock all other Trophies解鎖所有其他的獎杯
#20A Hero's Due (勐男是怎樣煉成的)Find all lockboxes on Olympus找到奧林匹拉所有鎖住的寶箱
#21Divine Wrath (神的憤怒)Find all rare weapons on Olympus找到奧林匹拉所有的稀有武器
#22Apotheosis (奎托斯再世)Acquire the powers from all twelve Olympian Gods獲得全部12個奧林匹斯神的能力
#23Olympian (奧林匹亞)Beat game on Olympian Difficulty奧林匹亞難度通關(guān)
#2Fence (籬笆)Access the Refugee stash in the Forest抵達森林中的難民藏身處
#3PanapolyAccess the Agora Armoury抵達集市軍械庫
#4Tallyman (理貨員)Access the Agora Market Scroll-keeper’s Office抵達市場Scroll-keeper的辦公室
#5Party Crasher (不速之客)Access the Symposium of the Sun in Apollo's hall參加阿波羅大廳的太陽研討會
#6Nature's Blessing (自然的祝福)Access the Secret Grove at the Shrine of the Nymphs抵達仙女神社中的秘密樹林
#7Cloak and Dagger (吊客信條)Access the Assassin Stash in the Swamps抵達沼澤中的刺客藏身處
#8From the Grave (幽冥深處)Meet the Necromancer in Hades在冥府遇到死靈法師
#9Master Huntsman (狩獵大師)Access the Hunter's Trove in the Forest找到森林中的獵人寶庫
#10Just a Taste (就嘗一口)Access Apollo's nectar cellar抵達阿波羅的花蜜地窖
#11Bounty (甜不辣的反擊)Root out the assassins in the Acropolis根除雅典衛(wèi)城的刺客
#12A Gift for a Goddess (女神的禮物) 1 TipsAccess Kleio's gift in the Acropolis在雅典衛(wèi)城得到繆斯女神Kleio的好人卡
#13Demand for Supply (需要補給品)Access the Merchant Stockpile in the Acropolis抵達雅典衛(wèi)城的商人庫存?zhèn)}庫
#14Precious Metal (珍貴金屬)Access the Gold Mine in the Sea抵達海里的金礦
#15Treasure Hunter (怒海潛沙)Access the sunken wreck of the Euphemia in the Sea抵達海裡的尤菲米婭沉船
#16Irresistible (這酸爽不可抗拒)Aquire the Cestus of Aphrodite獲得阿弗洛狄特的腰帶
#17Message Lost (信息丟失)Aquire the Sandals of Hermes獲得赫爾墨斯的涼鞋
#18Inebriate (醉了醉了)Aquire the Kantharos of Dionysus獲得酒神狄俄尼索斯的康塔羅斯酒杯
#19Smithy (鐵匠鋪)Aquire the Artifice of Hephaestus獲得赫菲斯托斯的技♂巧
#24Apollo's Lyre (阿波羅的七弦琴)Acquire the Lyre of Apollo獲得阿波羅的七弦琴
#25Crest of Ares (阿瑞斯的盔冠)Acquire the Crest of Ares獲得阿瑞斯的盔冠
#26Aegis of Athena (雅典娜的神盾)Acquire the Aegis of Athena獲得雅典娜的神盾
#27Sheaf of Demeter (迪米特爾的谷物)Acquire the Sheaf of Demeter獲得谷物女神迪米特爾的谷物
#28Trident of Poseidon (波塞冬的叁叉戟)Acquire the Trident of Poseidon獲得波塞冬的叁叉戟
#29Thunderbolt of Zeus (宙斯的迅雷)Acquire the Thunderbolt of Zeus獲得宙斯的迅雷
#30Mount Olympus (奧林匹亞山)Ascend to Mount Olympus登上奧林匹亞山
#31Bow of Artemis (阿爾特彌斯的弓箭)Acquire the Bow of Artemis獲得狩獵女神阿爾特彌斯的弓箭
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